Penn Township supervisors approve proposed budget for 2023
11/15/2022 02:06PM ● By Steven Hoffman
The Penn Township supervisors approved the proposed budget for 2023 at their Nov. 1 board meeting. The new budget totals $1,970,800. There will once again be no increase in taxes.
About one-third of the budget expenses for next year will be designated for general government and another one-third for public safety. The remainder is split between public works and culture/recreation.
The budget will be advertised in the Chester County Press and is available to view at the township offices during business hours. The budget will come back to the board for final approval in December.
The Historical Commission report noted that tours at the Red Rose Inn have been well received. There will be one more tour this year on Dec. 11. After a winter break, tours are expected to resume in April.
There are openings on the Historical Commission, and volunteers are being sought to fill those positions. Anyone interested in serving may contact the township office, a commission member or a supervisor for more information.
In other business, the board rejected a request from Aqua to use the township name and address on a survey to residents in the Kelton area. The company’s reasoning is that residents are more likely to read and reepond to a message from the township than one from Aqua.
“I think it’s disingenuous,” Supervisor Laura Sperratore said, explaining a reason for the supervisors to reject the request.