Kennett Square Life Summer 2024
07/03/2024 04:29PM ● By Tricia Hoadley
Kennett Square Life Summer 2024
Letter from the Editor:
In this issue of Kennett Square Life, we feature stories about the Carlin Academy of Fine Art, the effort to save Pennsylvania’s bluebirds one trail at a time, and the Heritage Center that captures more than 300 years of local history. We profile Trevor Blyden of the Beyond Limits Fitness in Kennett Square. We look at the connection between the Market at Liberty Place and the stalwarts of World War II. The Q & A is with officials from a local nonprofit organization that has a new home and a new vision. These stories illustrate just how dynamic and diverse the Kennett Square community is.
Kennett Area Community Service was on the front lines when it came to helping those in need during the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Kennett Square Life recently spoke with KACS executive director Leah Reynolds and volunteers Anne Moran, Lynn Majarian, and Will Majarian about the capital campaign that is underway for a new home, the improvements that building will bring, and the dreams that the organization has for its future.
We also take a look at the Kennett Heritage Center, which is the creation of Lynn Sinclair, a local resident and history buff. The Kennett Heritage Center includes colorfully displayed panels, descriptions, artifacts, photograph and paintings which tell the fascinating story of the area.
We also take a look at how local residents play a part in saving Pennsylvania’s bluebirds, one trail at a time. Bob Suter is part of a team of neighborhood volunteers who monitor 52 nest boxes, all located in Crosslands, a Life-Care Community, in Kennett Square.
In his story, “Remembering the stalwarts of World War II: The Market at Liberty Place,” local writer and historian Gene Pisasale offers a look at the history of so-called Liberty Ships—and how, today, remnants of one stand in Kennett Square.
Inspired by teachers and comic books and Wyeth and his own faith, Kennett Square artist Neil Carlin has shared those influences with his students at the Carlin Academy of Fine Art for the past 27 years. We profile Carlin in one story and also profile Trevor Blyden of the Beyond Limits Fitness in another. The photo essay in this edition features Stephanie and Matt Olenik, who have transformed a piece of Kennett Square history into a boutique hotel.
We hope you enjoy these stories as much as we enjoying preparing them for you. Please contact us with comments and suggestions for future stories. We will bring you the next issue of Kennett Square Life in the fall, but until then enjoy all the fun the summer brings—an evening of shopping on State Street, perhaps, or a visit to Longwood Gardens, or a great day at the Mushroom Festival.
Avery Lieberman Eaton
Stone Lieberman
Steve Hoffman, Editor