Avondale Presbyterian Church Craft Fair & Christmas Bazaar
Benefits Local Food Banks

Friday, November 11th, 5:00pm – 8:00pm and Saturday, November 12th, 9:00am to 3:00pm at the church at 420 Pennsylvania Ave. (Hwy 41) in Avondale, PA. Proceeds from the event will be shared with The Kennett Food Cupboard, The Bridge at Avon Grove Church of the Nazarene, as well as the APC building fund. Attendees are welcome and encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to help replenish the pantry shelves at these local food banks. Special collection boxes will be placed throughout the fair.
The popular event features over 50 crafters and vendors selling their wares including: distinctive hand-made crafts, jewelry and accessories, Christmas decorations and gift ideas, Vermont cheese, homemade confections, toys, books, flowers, plants and much more. This year’s bazaar will also feature Attic Treasures where previously loved items will be sold at affordable prices. Homemade chili, vegetarian chili, chicken corn soup, and homemade desserts, and more will be available for purchase both days.
For more information, visit us on Facebook – Avondale Presbyterian Church Craft Fair and Christmas Bazaar.
Date & Time
November 11, 2016
5:00PM - 8:00PM
Avondale Presbyterian Church - P.O. Box 446, 420 Pennsylvania Avenue, Avondale, PA, 19311