Kennett Square throws the region's biggest New Year's Eve party
12/26/2016 10:27AM ● By J. Chambless
A huge, lighted mushroom will be lowered in the middle of Kennett Square on Dec. 31 to usher in the new year.
Square loves its mushrooms, and on New Year's Eve, everyone loves the
gigantic lighted mushroom that ushers in the new year.
On Dec. 31, the town will be packed with visitors for "Midnight in the Square," the countdown to 2017. Admission is a donation of non-perishable food for Kennett Area Community Service (
There will be food trucks from Kaboburritos, M&M BBQ, Nomadic Pies and State Street Pizza, and the Garage Community Youth Center will be offering food, beer and wine beginning at 9 p.m. ($10 cover charge).
Dancers from Longwood Performing Arts will be performing, and the lighted mushroom will be raised between 7 and 8 p.m. Also performing will be Rose Project, Veronika Petra and others. Capping the entertainment will be the band The Funsters, who will perform from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
The lighted mushroom will be lowered at the stroke of midnight, ushering in the new year.
A laser show begins at 6 p.m., and will be repeated every half-hour all night. Some Kennett Square restaurants and several shops will be open for "Midnight in the Square" as well.
Parking will be available at Kennett High School and Exelon Way, off of East Baltimore Pike, with free shuttle buses running from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Visitors should know that open alcohol containers are not permitted in public or in vechicles.
"Midnight in the Square" is a joint venture of the Kennett Area Restaurant and Merchants Association and The Mushroom Festival. For more information and updates, visit